Thursday, May 23, 2013

The unexamined life is not worth blogging.

Did you ever discover that you’re not good at everything all the time?

If you are anything like me, this realization will cause you to have a minor existential crisis and regret all your less-than-industrious life choices up to that point (Did I really have to watch 25 episodes of the Hana Yori Dango anime the night before my organic chem final?). The truth came to me recently, just after I graduated from college and had to face the real grown-up world. Turns out life is hard and I’m not always well-equipped to deal with difficulty.

Seen here: expert coping

There are only three ways I know how to deal with problems; napping, denial and over-analyzing situations until they become so convoluted and abstract it doesn't feel like real life anymore.  Observe my current mental model for adulthood:

I know, I get it, I understand what you're saying, this model is overly simplistic, vague, recursive, unhelpful and hey wait a minute, that second step doesn't even exist.  You're saying, pssshhh you can do better than that.  I agree with you, given a little time, a little more thought and something other than Microsoft Paint I can do better.  In fact, let's make that the theme of my life in general and this blog in particular.

Anything I can do, I can do better.

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